I Write Like Me

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I have spent a bit of time on the I Write Like website and, according to it, most of the blog writing I have submitted for analysis resembles David Foster Wallace, though an occasional post (or two) resembles Kurt Vonnegut (!) , H.P. Lovecraft, Chuck Palahniuk, James Joyce (!!!), Stephen King, Jack London, Vladimir Nabokov, J. D. Salinger, and Mark Twain. This is unexpected and strange and flattering all at once. I mean, I know it is just a silly game and that I can't read anything into what the algorithm tells me (especially when there are only 40 authors programmed into it. I mean, really, it isn't that I resemble any of these, it is that of the limited options available, I most resemble these. Not to mention that it seems the vast majority of people seem to be told they write like David Foster Wallace). But assuming there is something to this game, it strikes me as off that all these writers are male because I believe my voice to be feminine. Also, is it strange my writing resembles the works of people I haven't read much of and do not aspire to write like? (With the obvious exception of Salinger, who I have read a lot of and, let's face it, this whole confessional immature tone was pioneered by J.D.) If I am anywhere near as talented as the website suggests I am, I really need to stop goofing around and get cracking, don't you think?


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