Everyday Is So Glorious
What Thirty-Five Looks Like
With no makeup, bad lighting, in the bathroom mirror. Technically, as the photo was taken last night, it really is what thirty four years, 364 days looks like, but what are a few hours among friends?
Julian sang Happy Birthday and then asked, "Can I hug you mommy?" before demanding we go downstairs and watch Curious George. Fred had spelled out "Happy Birthday" in blocks on the table, but Julian got to them before I had a chance to read them, so the message I read was,
Happy birthday!
Last night, Fred, Julian, my mom, my dad, and I went to Sai Cafe. This was the first time in at least six months that we attempted to eat at a restaurant with Julian. He was an angel. He ate his edamame, miso soup, and some of his chicken friend rice, was well behaved and blew kisses at the waitress. It was the best birthday I have had in a long time.
Happy birthday!
It occurred to me that your birthday is the same as one of my oldest friends (who I forgot to e-mail bday wishes to), and that I also lost my virginity on your (let me do the math) 21st birthday.
Not like you needed to know that. :P
I'll be 35 soon.
happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday!